Just Realized...

I haven't really sat down and written for a very long time. I mean, I've written poetry, and a good deal of it in the past few months... but I haven't done anything other than that. My life seems to have been all consumed by every problem or task surrounding me, and I've not really been taking the time for something that I used to enjoy so much.

Looking back at some of my older writings, I can't even begin to understand why in the world I posted them on here... perhaps because I was younger and thought it was good... but now, I'm just thinking "My God! That's some pretty terrible writing." And that's just gonna have to change!

So! To anyone who reads this and cares (and even if you don't :] ) I'm going to start writing again. I've had so many ideas locked inside of my head, and even though I never finished the other works that I started up, I don't know if I'll be able to. Maybe one day I'll come back to them... But I think I want to go a different direction... I know that next semester will be insanely busy, but I think I'm going to force myself to write and update at least one every two weeks... And I want to start by writing something about Jimmy.

He means the world to me still, and I miss him every day... maybe that seems odd to some, the fact that I could care so much for someone I never got the chance to meet... but I think that maybe writing a story with him would be a good thing... It would sure as hell be a great incentive to make it a good story, because he deserves to be well written and respected, in my opinion... But anyways. It's after 4 am, and I'm rambling. Someone, remind me of this resolution after I've woken up.

Good n... erm. Good morning, lovelies.
December 15th, 2011 at 10:09am