
I thought this site would help give feed back, but unfortunately for the silent readers, they aren't reading my stories for free cause it's not fair. (Yeah I know life isn't fair but I'll make this fair.) I also have no clue how to add favorite authors... or if i know i subscribed right...

On another note, I need jock geek stories or how the boyfriends are big/little, so cute <3 I wish there were an easy way to search for; Original fiction: Complete: Slash. I can't read unfinished stories anymore because of the terrible cliffhangers and then decide to leave the cliffhanger for three years, yeah done with that lol.

Anyway sorry for my rant but I really would love some feed back whether good or negative and why you don't or do like it. I'm only on my computer for fifteen minutes cause my fan ran out on my lap top and it shuts down, so i have to read stories from my nook, then i forget what the stories are called and sometimes re read it lol.
December 16th, 2011 at 02:54am