New modelling photos / Possibly new hair...or not...?

It's been a while everyone^^

To start off, I've not been in a while, not to even read any stories like the silent reader I usually am but I've been so busy >.< Usually I read some things before I sleep but I've been to tired to even attempt, so SORRY Dx

Now, what I've been busy with, I have new pictures!^^

Thoughts? Comment? Criticism?

Fellow model friend of mine^^






I realized I never really smiled in my pictures...Like a full real smile so I really wanted to get this picture from my photographer :3 Because I always smile!

So yea, those are the best out of the ones from my latest shoots...though they aren't really "shoots" >.< My photographers are really good friends so we snap pictures whenever, of course sometimes we make preparations like a backdrop...but yes^^


So I have been thinking about getting a new hairstyle and to change the color :o

A lot of people are telling me I should go back to my natural hair color, black...?
Here's a picture from a very long time ago...well not that long o.o but yea me with black hair :O


Yes? No? Maybe? D:

and any suggestions of a hair cut? Long...short...really long...buzzcut...mohawk..suggest! Pictures if you want!

Or should I keep it the way it is? And just the color...maybe a greyish blonde...


btw I think I posted these once but when I went back to see the comments there was no journal for some odd here it is again, sorry! >.<
December 16th, 2011 at 03:46am