The Essence of Friendship

You're so close. Having so much fun together, not knowing or caring whose talking about you and saying whatever they want. You're always together, talk 24/7, and don't have secrets. You have all the best times and laughs in the world together, and then, they're gone. Gone with the wind, never to be seen again. The most you do with eachother anymore is talk on the computer, but other than that, you're distanced by different states. You realize that they're all you had and quit. You didn't realize how little you had until you didn't have it anymore. The little things you did have made you happy, even if only for the moment. Later you realize that when you said they were all you had, you were right. No one stuck around for you anymore and everyone is gone. Alone. That's it, you quit.
December 17th, 2011 at 06:52am