You’re the one who decides to make your life misery.

My Chemical Romance 03.07

My chemical saved my life, that's like... I didn't understand. How could they save someone's life? They don't sing songs about getting better and putting the gun down. And if you run into them on the street I really doubt they would say hello and be your friend.

It feels like were putting too much pressure on them. Now everyone will wait My Chemical Romance to save them if their in trouble.

Though they can make you want to start playing guitar, yeah that could be one way to save someone… give their life a meaning, some kind of goal they will try to achieve. But it's that like enough... I don't know.


I'm a huge social phobic that's why I don't go out. Never. I will never get out of my room.

But I did on Monday, and I did spend three days away from my room. I thought I wouldn't make it but I did and I wasn't scared at all. I think it was because the thousands of people I saw weren't looking at me.

Well anyway my Chemical Romance didn’t save my life. They just made me realize it’s not that horrible to go out sometimes, and it’s not that scary to speak to people who you don’t know.

…yeah, I’m still scared but I would do that any day because it was so worth it.


I had never seen My Chemical Romance before. So of course I had this picture of them in my head. How they were supposed to be, act, look like.
But they didn't. They were just four kids who play songs with their best friends.

They weren't superheroes. They were just normal people. [Though really cute normal people]
I was kind of disappointed when they weren't – damn those fans that made me believe their stories.
But on the other hand... I guess I was relieved too, because I would have definitely fainted if they had been something else than normal kids.

But you don't have to be superhero to save lives. Right?

Do they save lives because they are normal? I think... My Chemical makes their fans believe that even though these fans are normal [emofatass] they can still be something special like... Like you don't have to be good at maths to achieve something great... and even though you don't have any friends you can still be happy... I don’t know.

In my opinion it just depends on how you look at your life.

You’re the one who decides to make your life misery.


The girls who were standing behind me when we waited to get in to the concert hall [nine hours]...
Oh god... so they were like what fifteen? You should have heard what they were talking...

Okay so I'm not going to say that I and my best friend didn't look at other fans wondering if someone was an old fan or a member of 'black parade [new fans].

We were doing that.

But I could never say that they didn't have right to be there...

I think it's cool that My Chemical Romance gets new fans. It makes me hyper and happy when I have more and more friends who love My Chems as much as I do.

But these girls, they were dissing everyone... acting like they were members of some... I don't know... My Chemical Romance fans elite.


But yes, that was definitely the best concert of my life so far... even though I was surrounded with thousands of screaming girls. It was niiiice.

Never thought I could get in to the first two rows :]… but I never thought I could see them anyway so.

I almost pissed my pants when I saw Frankie grapping Gerard's butt, smiling that cheeky smile of his.'s been four days and I'm still sore from all the jumping, singing and screaming.

But man do I love them more than ever.
July 7th, 2007 at 01:47pm