Mah Christmas List =] [Questions- to draw you to this journal]

Okay i keep seeing this everywhere so now i feel like i need to make one too. =D

SO i don't know how to post gif's, let's just post links if they even work on mibba:

Numero Uno: Wolf's Rain FULL DVD COLLECTION =D
Yeah i love this anime, and i need to have it on a moments notice... this is what i want for christmas...

Numero Dos: That right there. an iPod that, i dont know, PLAYS MUSICA and works =D i need one so bad, like you do not comprehend.

Numero Tres: Pikachu Pillow Pet! Yeah i'm addicted to this show, Yeah i love pillow pets and need more pillows, and Yeah i'm a freakin nerd.... but seriously if you don't think this is cute, see a doctor right away.... seriously, right now.

Numero Cuatro or Cautro or w.e: TACKS. yeah i'm too lazy to get a picture, you know what tacks are obviously, i need them to hang up pictures in my room.

AAAND that's it =D YUP. That's all i really want, and its annoying because i hear i didnt get EVERYTHING off my list yet i got like 800 presents. -.- (yeah yeah i know i'm spoiled, wasn't my idea. not complaining about it either) Oh well, tacks and an iPod are the easy ones, but i gotta admit Wolf's Rain isn't a popular anime as any anime's are honestly, and would be difficult to find. And Pikachu pillow pets, i don't know where the h*ll people sell those, but, OH WELL, i shan't complain!

1: Do you want that Pikachu pillow pet as much as me?
2: Ever heard of Wolf's Rain? Seriously no one has and it p*sses me off. >:[
3: What's on your Christmas list? Anything in particular you really want?
4: Are you excited for Christmas? Seriously i've read 500 journals on how everyone hates Christmas and i feel like i'm the only one here with Christmas spirit and what not....
5: I need a fifth question on here or else the amount of questions is ganna make me annoyed so.... Have you put up your Christmas tree yet? =D
December 19th, 2011 at 05:02am