the fight

You ever have one of those days that life just seems like its horrible and its never going to get better? Saturday was one of those days. I was having the regular argument with my dad about cutting weight ( I lose about 25 pounds for wrestling every year and he hates it) and then all of the sudden i said that one of my teachers who complain about my cutting wieght was a prick and my dad socked me in the face. Blood pouring out of my nose like a faucet all I was able to say was "i fucking hate you, I fucking hate you" over and over, then he threatened to send me off to be a ward of the state and i threatened to have the police caleed and to get him fired from his job. It was the worst fight we had had in a long time, and he had never hit me before. And the worst was when i told him i hated him. it hurt him bad, i saw it on his face, i felt so bad about that after words that i hugged him crying after everything had cooled down and told him how much i loved him. But during that fight life sucked and i couldnt think of any way it could get better. So now all said and done, the memory of the argument stuck in our heads like a ligering bad taste, life just keeps going on.

December 19th, 2011 at 04:41pm