The Possibility of a Website

Hello Mibbians!
As most of you may have heard, I, chasing_circles, or Katelyn "Kat." Have been thinking about a website. Most people voted for ImInTheMiseryBusiness as a name, but now I have changed it to Misery Business! It's going to be awesome. I'm 99.9% positive. .1% of my brain is already asleep, so I can barely think straight! It's going to consist of:
1. Layouts
2. Signatures
3. An awesome c-box
4. Affies!

If you are a person whom suggests things to add, contact me by sending a message!

I have a wide variety of layouts and signatures, incase you wanted to use one. Right now, I have a layout with hands reaching out for eachother, and my signature is Nicki Minaj lyrics for Fly!

Sincerely and Keeping my word,
December 20th, 2011 at 02:30am