Confession time?

Well, i missed try outs, but last year, i used to drift off and dream about how i would enter the talent show and sing to you. Every time I had the dream, it was a different song. either Breaking Benjamin or one of the songs we used to sing walking down the street or something like that, and donavon would be there and you and jovan and roberto and donavon would realize i was singing to you and not him, and so would you. and you would go on the stage and kiss me in front of the whole school and donavon would be like :O and you'd start singing with me and jovan would be like "Omari, dont do it" and you wouldnt care and roberto would be dissapointed and give me a jovan stare. yea. my crazy imagination huh? I can go on for days lol. but i thought you should know this one cuz if i had known about talent show try outs the other day, i wouldve definitly done it.

The things I admit. After he tells me he still loves me and that he's transferring and shtuff. -sighs- Just not meant to be I guess.
December 20th, 2011 at 02:52am