Starting Out

okay so I'm just getting the hang of this whole website and fanfiction thing.

I wish I could figure out how to do all the cool layouts and stuff. my profile is so basic and boring. but hey, I'm still new.

maybe at some point I can write in this journal thing like Jenna writes in her blog on Awkward. love that show :)

apparently this has to be 100 letters long. I can't remember the last time I had to write something based on letters instead of words or pages.

writing is a major escape to me. you get to create your own little world and have complete control over what the people say or do. you can edit out any drama. it's like a utopia. I get lost in these worlds very often. that's why when I write stories, I usually base the main girl on myself. it makes me think everything that happens, happens to me. I know that must seem weird but I'm a very weird person.

I also escape into poetry which is always an amazing feeling because you can describe things you see or feel so beautifully or darkly so you can reach out to other people and let them know how you felt in a single moment when you look at one thing. sometimes I find old pictures and write poems based off the picture.

if you hate poetry because you don't understand it, try reading it without thinking about it. I think most people overthink poetry when they read it and can't find the answer and get frustrated. poetry has no question or specific answer. it's all about feeling.
promise you'll try poetry at least once? thanks. :)
December 20th, 2011 at 04:05am