What I Learned Today & What I'll Actually Remember & Questions

When you start to think about it you learned a lot today. I don't mean just learning things from teachers, but also from friends. I bet you learned a ton of things today that have nothing to do with education. Sure today I learned about cell division, WWI, how to prove lines parallel, that Lady Macbeth is crazy, and how to say clothing in Spanish. That's not it though I learned that people in my school love ugly sweater day, that the guy two of my friends have a crush on is dating this senior now, that a friend of mine has been starving himself, that a friend of mine is super worried about her test for her permit but everyone is telling her she'll do fine when in reality she already failed it once yesterday, the quiet girl next to me in study hall who moved to my school recently has a lot in common with me, a friend of mine is ridiculed constantly for her holiday spirit, my school canceled all dances for the rest of the year because of "inappropriate dancing", and more but you get the idea. What do you think I remember now? So some questions for you now:
1. What did you learn today in class?
2. What did you learn from friend?
3. Honestly, what do you remember more?
December 21st, 2011 at 02:54am