Long Time No See

It's been over a year since I last posted any work on here, and I had a clear out of my stories when I returned. (HAHAHAHHA)

I recently read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (I'm now about a fifth through the second book) and it inspired me to write again, since all year I've been toying with random drabbles or ideas and not doing anything AT ALL. I suppose the sheer workload of GCSE subjects is partly to blame, but also my own life and shit.

IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS THOUGH and I might be getting a graphics tablet which I am so looking forward to if I do 'cause then I can practice and draw a Pokemon a day for my friend. I'm happy 'cause my style of drawing has changed and gotten better (I can draw humans, omgosh) but I still need a HELL of a lot of practice before I can call myself good. Yipyipyip

Anyway, I'm browsing contests so I can inspire myself, so I'll be lurking around that part of the forum for a while. :)

December 21st, 2011 at 02:39pm