Partaking in the Impossible

I dreamt of being inhabited again. Of being him. Roy. Perhaps it was more memory than dream or perhaps a desperate desire waiting to be fulfilled by his one and only link to this fleshly world: me, his unwitting host. The dream picked up where the last one ended. His blonde siren not beside me, planting kisses on my palm as she melted against me, but instead lying beneath me. Her long hair fanned out like silken gold on the pillow below her. I, he, is above her, over her, hands bracing my weight on either side of her captivating face. I look at my arms, once again perplexed and amazed that they are not female but male. Long. Lean. Sinewy muscles bulging under the weight of my burden. She sighs, calling my attention. Her gaze is expectant, full of an anticipation I can feel within the nucleus of every cell I am made up of.

Yes, my love. I am here...

I do what is not humanly possible in my current incarnation. I penetrate her with an organ painfully ripe for the exquisite task at hand. The feeling, the feeling is like nothing I’ve ever known. Her taut female flesh spreads before me; inviting me into a warm slick void designed for me and only me. I reach, push further inside this mystery until I collide with it’s end. Explosion of a sensation that originates at my spear-headed tip and sears throughout every invisible space inside me, only to end somewhere deep inside my soul. This sensation transforms me into a spectrum of pure light. Makes the irrational blindingly rational. So pure, so foreign, so heavy with an ecstasy that can only exist in the realm where spirits and angels intersect. I move amorously within her. Slide against her smooth muscular haven. One that wraps itself firmly around me, embracing me in a way that I have never before known until this moment. I want to spend an eternity inside her. She moans, writhes, sighs. And my purpose, his only purpose, is complete.

And then, just as before, the dream evaporates. I am left alone, my surroundings momentarily foreign and utterly tragic to me. I’ve lost her again. Lost her in the most dire of moments. I lay there, reeling from every misplaced sensation experienced in my unconscious state. So heady, consuming, oddly logical and organic. And I beg, plead for him to return to me when all fades to black once again. Take me back, Roy. Back to that dark room where she is waiting, spread before us in the most adoring of ways. Come back to me, Roy. Come back….
December 21st, 2011 at 07:28pm