And, here in my part of Alabama, it's 65 degrees. How crazy is that? A couple of days before Christmas, and I can walk outside in shorts and a tank top. I love it though.

My best friend is in Nicaragua for Christmas, and it's not cool at all. I miss her. But my boyfriend is home at least, so at least i'm not missing the both of them. Fot the first time in.........forever really, my family isn't doing anything for Christmas. Not one thing. We usually at least gather at my grandmother's house and have lunch, but this year, nothing. We're all just staying home and spending it like any other day. It's weird really, but oh well. Everyone has their own things going on.

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!! On another note, and the reason for this journal, my mom asked me a few weeks back what i wanted for Christmas, and I told her the only thing I wanted was the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And so, a few days later, she got it for me. And she had it sitting, unopened on the coffe table. I saw it, but she wouldn't even let me look at the box, and I hadn't seen it in theatre or anything. Sure, I read the book, and it was beyond amazing, but I wanted to see how amazing the movie was as well. But she wouldn't let me have it. A few days of letting it sit there, she wrapped it in Christmas paper, put my name on it in big letters, and still had it sitting there in plain sight. But then FINALLY!!!! Finally, she let me have it two days ago. I watched it that night, the next moring and i'm watching it again now. IT. IS. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so in to it, i caught myself jumping and cheering and crying and laughing. I wanted SOOOOO badly to go in to the movie and help them fight. I just got soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo interested in it. If you haven't seen it, you're missing out. it's so great!! But, it's terribly sad that it's all over too. but if anyone on here has any Harry Potter stories they would like to have read, I will be happy to do so, just to see how others put their own spin on things :) Just let me know. That is, if you've taken the time to read all of this lol
December 22nd, 2011 at 12:36am