I'm not a pervert, but whatever happened to good sex stories?

I'm no perv... I just mean that I haven't seen one in some time. Where did they all go? Did Mibba finally get some shame? Or is it just that no one feels like writing them anymore?

Either way, I can't help but feel sort of sad about it. I think that people are much more honest in bed then they are in real life... And a good sex story can be mind blowing.(Pun intended.) I'm all for love and romance(hence the username), but what about the sex of it all?

And, while I'm on the subject, how come I can't find a straight sex story? Man, I love yaoi and yuri(slash and femme slash), and my girlfriend is awesome, but what about straight sex? There used to be a huge abundance of them, but now... Nothing.

Also, I'm not talking about sex in just ONE chapter. No. I'm talking about a story centered on the idea of sex. Sure, there doesn't have to be sex every chapter(that'd get tiring), but come on!

If you know of any good sexy time stories, tell me please.

Bonus time!

Q: Hey, hopeless, what's your favorite way of describing a one night stand?

A: Oh, that's easy. A-wham-bam thank-you-ma'am.

December 22nd, 2011 at 09:49am