Things that get a bad rap

Hey guys,
Im a huge lord of the rings freak so as i was sitting today listening to the soundtracks to the movies i had a thought. Even though orchestral music is some of the most beautiful music in the world, it gets a bad rap in our age group, people are like classical eww or orchestra eww. We never take the time to stop and see how beautiful something is so we stereotype it and give it a bad rap, which i think is true with alot of things in life. I dont get why people get just take the time to slow down and get to know something or someone before making judgments on it or them, like just because your different than other people doesnt give them the right to judge you on it, they should get to know you first.
I know this was a short one but that thought just popped into my head.
December 22nd, 2011 at 04:32pm