Question(s) mibba,

I have come across multiple well, I'd say predicaments or favors, but they wouldn't quite be the right words.

I honestly don't expect you to read all of this, but if you read at least on and reply to one that would be extremely helpful.

1.) My friends all seem to have their own song that represents them in some way. I have been searching for a while and came up with some promising ones but they don't seem to represent me. So, I'm asking for music suggestions. You don't have to know me to give a music suggestion, I just want to experiment a little till I find the right song. Any would be greatly appreciated.

2.) I don't have any certain belief when it comes to religion. I don't believe in God, but its because its just not probable to me. I believe in spirituality and I'm trying to piece together my own belief that way I'm not sitting here wondering. So, I'm trying to gain knowledge about different people's beliefs. As in: What comes after death? Why are we here? etc. I'm even reading up on different religions to come up with some explanation. (I bought my own bible today)Even if I can't find one, gaining some knowledge of what different people believe in could possibly be a good thing. So, people of mibba, tell me your beliefs.

3.) I just found something out that really pissed me off. If I were to ask you why people go to school what would be your first answer? To learn right? Wrong. We are pushed into school like cattle on a field, we are raised with the delusion that we are here to learn great things and do amazing things with our lives, but when the time comes, and we gained our fill of knowledge, we are put in the slaughter house (aka the working force). We are put into the world of adults to make money. Because right now, money is what makes the world go 'round. We are being tricked. The human mind should not be wasted on knowledge that will be used just to feed into corruption. They say we're there to learn? No we are there for the economy. Discussion Mibba.

4.) Advice mibba? I have a phobia of people touching me. If its someone that I know well, then it is ok, I have a mild panic attack at first, but I'm fine after that. I can initiate hugs/human interaction, but when its the other way around I (like I said before) have a mild panic attack. It has gotten better over the years that I don't think about it as often as I used to and sometimes when I have known this person for a long time, I don't even get panic attacks. But, when its an unexpected hug from behind, I kind of still and freak out a bit, but I don't think anyone notices. People have been touching my butt a lot lately and it has been bothering me to the point that I scream at them. I have told my friends that I'm getting tired of it, but some continue to do it. How could I get the message across without really telling them of my phobia or coming off as a d*ck?

4a.)Also, there is a friend of mine, who we have been friends for at least 2 years. She is really touchy feely with me. I have told her about my phobia, but she still continues to do it. I would be standing there, intent with thought and she would come up behind me and hug me. Now, usually it wouldn't send me into a major freak-out mode, but when she puts her face in my neck, I freak out. SHE DOESN'T GET IT. And its all the time. She touches me a lot and I have to push her away or remind her I have a phobia, but she still doesn't get it. She tends to try to hug/hold me intimately and it freaks me out. I am bisexual, but I don't feel for her like that. (If she is trying to tell me that she likes me mind you) There was a guy that is a really close friend of mine and he would hold me the same way she would, but in a friendly way cause we are "married" it didn't bother me then. I don't know why I feel freaked out when she tries to do that. Can you explain mibba?

Thanks and sorry for the long rant.
December 23rd, 2011 at 11:50pm