Merry Christmas, kiss my ass

I have come to the conclusion that I am not a people person. Really. Most of today I was perfectly fine and in the Christmas spirit, but towards the end I got tired, and when I get tired- I get moody. Yeah, like a stubborn toddler I know. Oh well. No mum, I don't want to play a stupid game with stupid questions that it repeats anyway.

I got some wonderful presents though (trying to be optimistic here), the main one being my Kindle, which i absolutely love :D It is so amazing and useful, I'd suggest everyone to get one! The rest was mainly clothes and make-up and other various beauty products.

Now time for another little moan: I don't feel like my family really understand who I am. I'm a writer. I know I don't go around flaunting it like my younger brother, but hello I am going to study creative writing and English lit at uni for a reason. Writer's don't care about looking good. Although, I honestly do appreciate the time and effort put into my presents, I feel they've missed the mark this time. A notebook and a nice pen wouldn't go amiss.

Okay, time for something more upbeat: my best friend got me exactly what I wanted, a punching bag and kickboxing book, not to mention the cocktail set, and a little something else I won't mention in this journal. It' a little sad that she knows me better than my own family :|

Another positive though, to keep the theme running, is that I have a parcel yet to look forward to, all the way from Becca in America :D Just gotta wait for the royal mail to get their act together, so it could be a few days still.


Am I the only one that thinks Queen Elizabeth II is one of the most amazing people ever? Her speech today was both wonderful and sobering, even though she likely doesn't write the speech herself. She just can't seem to put a foot wrong. I am of course a royalist to the end, and the monarchy we have here makes me proud. The Royal wedding back in April was amazing, despite the fact that everywhere went crazy for at least a couple of months prior.

And my thoughts extend to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who is currently ill in hospital. But I'm sure he'll have the best possible health care.


On a less grave note, I'd like to draw your attention to the update I've finally made to On The Wings of an Angel. I hope to have it running smoothly again soon, and many thanks to our enduring readers and those who are new to it <3

Also, I'm going to briefly mention that I'm looking for another co-writer. It doesn't have to be slash, although it is the predominant genre I write in, I am willing to experiment with something else, unless it's fan fiction. Nevertheless, feel free to pitch your idea to me, even if it is a fan fiction, and I'll consider (: Preferably a sample of your work too, so I can look at your writing style. I do have a few ideas floating around myself, so I'd be willing to negotiate something should it be necessary.

Heavens, this was a long journal. Should I censor ass, out of curiosity? Oh, I'll leave it for now.

1) Did you get what you want this Christmas? (:
2) How do you usually celebrate Christmas, with the whole family or separately?
3) Got any plans for New Year's?
4)Opinion on the British monarchy? (offensive comments will be deleted)
5) Co-write? :D

Merry Christmas Everyone! Kiss my ass
December 26th, 2011 at 01:48am