'So Far Away' Sweethearts in 'A Little Piece of Heaven'

My dilemma; love struck.
My solution; I have no fucking clue.
There's this guy from my hometown (in Colorado) and I met him through a friend and he's a real sweet heart and he's the biggest Avenged Sevenfold fan you will ever meet!
He knows all their songs and can play them on acoustic and electric. He's also very handsome and can carry a conversation. He sounds almost perfect. Looks, personality and more importantly, guitar skills.
What's not to love?
My only concern is measuring up to those standards. I mean. I have looks, I have personality and my guitar skills are...mediocre, I guess you could say.
I like him. Not sure how he feels about me, but he said he wants to hang out w/ me the next time I'm in Colorado visiting family. I'm not sure I want to...I'll more than likely not be able to speak or breathe for that matter.
Should I...? I should....but then again...
December 26th, 2011 at 03:26am