
"Periwinkle?" Maudie asked.
"Yep." I said.
I grabbed my acoustic guitar from the back not waking the 'crazy people'. I brought it to the passenger seat and started up a song. Maudie simply laughed and kept driving. Good times, man. Good times.
"You are definitely somethin' else, Bronx. Definitely." she laughed and smiled.
"Wherever you go you know I'll be there." I sang.
"If you go far you know I'll be there." Maudie sang back.
"I'll go anywhere so I'll see you there." I sang even louder.
Eventually we woke everyone up with our singing, and perfect timing too. We just got up to the border from Canada to New York.
"Time to fulfill one of my dreams, people!" I said jumping out of the car.
I put my legs so one leg was in Canada and the other was in the U.S.A. I was laughing and so was everyone else.
"Hurry! Take a picture! We can show Gregory in New York when he gives us the tickets." I said.
Morgan grabbed the camera and took a picture of me standing 'in two places at once'.
"Say cheese!" Morgan yelled ready to push the button on the Polaroid camera.
"Cheese!" I yelled and everyone jumped in front, Kyla landing in her famous splits postion.
We piled into the car, gave all the info and drove off to New York City to pick up the tickets for the 'one great rock show that could change the world', as I called it.

Chapter 2
New York, New York

We were now in New York City at the place where we would get the tickets. All 7 of them. Just as I said before 'I don't know why it was seven tickets *cough* FATE*cough*'. So, anyway we were picking up the tickets right? Right.
"Gregory!" I yelled once I saw him. We were old friends from when I came to the U.S. the first time.
"Dang, Bronx. Forgot you call me that." Greg said laughing. I gave him a hug.
You see, I came to New York when I was about 9 or 10 and I met him at the hotel we were staying at. His parents owned the hotel. We became friends fast and started being pen pals after I left New York. We mailed eachother untill we were 14. Then the letters almost stopped execpt for Christmas and birthdays. Then last year he mailed me saying he got a job at a radio station called Nova in New York. I told him I listened to Nova blah, blah, blah and the rest is history. Oh, and we started mailing eachother again.
"Oh here's your tickets my dear." Greg said handing me the 7 tickets. "Wonder why there is seven. Weird number. Oh well." he said chuckling a bit.
*cough*FATE*cough*! Gosh people. But I simply smiled at Gregory. Because at that point I had no clue about my fate either. Well I guess not since where we're at in the story I haven't even met...oh never mind you'll find out soon enough!
"Oh Gregory check this out." I said handing him the picture of us girls.
"Hehe. That's funny. Ow that's gotta hurt that girl." Greg said looking at Kyla.
"Nope." Kyla chimed in.
Maudie's eyes grew wide. Why? I wonder. Oh, she saw the picture with Greg and the Arrogant Worms. Maudie loves the Arrogant Worms.
"Y-y-you met t-the A-a-arrogant Worms?" Maudie asked, eyes wide.
"Yeah why? You a fan?" Gregory asked.
"A fan? Man, she is obsessed!" Ginny laughed.
"Am not!" Maudie yelled.
"Hate to break it to you, Cloner but yeah you are." I said banging around a set of drum sticks that I found on a table.
"Am not! You say that again I'll-I'll shove those sticks down your throat!" Maudie yelled.
"Try it, Maudie you can't fight Bronx!" Liana said.
Greg's mouth was almost on the floor. It was quite funny actually.
"Yeah, Maudie. You can't fight me! 'Member in 8th grade when you tried to fight me? Who won Maudie Pepper? I did. End of discussion. Bye-bye." I laughed.
"Arrgh! You sure have the attitude of an Animent, Bronx." Maudie smiled.
"You didn't. You didn't." I said in a loss for words. Which was extremely unusual for me by the way.
"She did, Bronx. She did." Lizzy laughed.
"Meh. Oh, right. Maudie...bite me!" I yelled with a menacing smirk plastered on my face. There was more meaning behind those words then you think. It was an incident from 9th grade. But we won't get into that. Maybe later.
"You little..." Maudie started but before she could get out her curse word I had grabbed one of those toy guns and we were in a show-down.
"It's Edie's 6th grade Halloween Party again!" Maudie said finding another toy gun.
We started play shooting each other and laughing untill we were standing in the Nova building with everyone play shooting each other. It was so hilarious we were like 5 year olds with drivers licenses.
"You know you guys should stay the night in New York. You can stay at the hotel. I can take you guys shopping." Gregory said.
Shopping? Is that what he said? Oh my. That is strange. Why would Gregory be taking us shopping? That is obviously what the girls were thinking too.
"You're taking us shopping? You're a guy. Why would you want to take us of all people shopping?" Kyla asked. The rest of the girls nodded giving him questioning looks.
"What? I can't take you guys shopping 'cause I'm a guy?You're so stereotypical." Gregory said.
"Oh whatever sure. Let's go!" Liana said.
"You actually want to go shopping?" Morgan piped up. She never said much.
"You're so stereotypical. Oh, and you're not helping my ego." Liana said putting her hands on her hips.

That is from one of my really old stories. I think I was like 12 when I wrote that...

July 7th, 2007 at 11:10pm