IMAX movies

okay well i'm gonna be watching "harry potter and the order of the phoenix" on wednesday, opening day, on IMAX.
i'm so excited, i can't wait.
i don't even care how the long the line is going to be; it's going to be even longer than usual lines on opening days because it's on the IMAX theater--less showings of the movie and even bigger theater.

i have a question.
when there are about 5 theaters showing "harry potter," and one IMAX theater showing it, is the IMAX theater showing it on 3-D or normal?
i think it's showing it in 3-D, but i forgot.
some people are telling me it's in regular 2-D, and some are telling me it's in 3-D.

so would someone like to tell me if it's in 3-D or not, if they know for sure?
thanks, haha.

hopefully it won't be just regular 2-D, haha.
i want spells to get thrown at me!

hopefully this journal isn't as confusing as i think it is.
July 8th, 2007 at 12:01am