Rantings of an Obsessed Author... (Author's Notes: Please Read!)

I doubt anyone has noticed, but my story, 'Mendacii Key' has vanished off the face of this site. No worries, minions, that does not conclude the death of my masterpiece, but seeing as not a single comment or critique has come my way, I have decided to keep it to myself and work on it quietly, consulting my faithful few friends and keeping most of the content private until a world-renowned publisher comes long and decides that they want my story and would prefer it if nothing had already been published online. If I did publish the whole story on this site, it may cause a few problems with the publishers, which I would not want, so if any fans wish to read my story, they should contact me in person and I could see what I can do.

OK, as if it's going to get published; I am kind of kidding myself.

But, hey, this is me we're/I'm talking about! I can hide away with my precious books all I like, I am never going to give up hope of my dreams coming true!

Yes, you may have guessed that it is my dream to have my romantic fantasy published, completely original and unabridged! I have fallen in love with my characters, the tales they tell, the situations they get stuck in along the way, and the thrill I get every time I close my eyes and enter into that whole world inside my head; the world which belongs to me, which I created and completely own, yet it seems to have it's own unique life and independence, and I have fallen in love with Jonas. He is my dream guy; my prince in shining armour; my one true love. I think it a bit of a shame I decided to make him Aliona's one true love and not include yours truly in the story, but I think it would be better if I kept it completely fictional, and my hopes are definitely up for when this no.1 best seller gets turned into a Hollywood movie, and I get to meet and fall in love with the actor who plays Jonas.

All in all, there are many men I could have fallen in love with, so that doesn't mean I don't completely adore Alan, Connor, Savage and Watford, but seeing as Alan is a devious little menace, Connor is pretty awkward and unromantic, Savage is just pure evil and Watford is dead by the end of the first chapter, I love them to bits, all in their own little way.

On the awesomeness factor, there are three strong contenders: Suzie, Alan and Kat. Kat hasn't quite been introduced to he story yet, but she has been mentioned once or twice and already seems a little cheeky devil, and being only 17, she is the youngest character and one of the most unreliable. But the most unreliable character of all has to be Alan. I cannot say why, as it plays a key part in the plot, which I would not want to ruin, but if you want to fall in love with Alan, you must read for yourself. Now, as for Suzie, she is cheeky, nosy, loud, dramatic, flirty and even hides her own dark secret, as do most of the characters. She is the most lively girl, always there for Aliona and always coming up with a new way to cause trouble.

Sometimes even I lose track of the immense plot inside my head; it has taken me several hours to explain it to some people, yet every person who knows it, loves it. Some friends I have kept in the dark, forcing them to read it for themselves to see how they understand what is going on, and so far, it is not perfect, but is looking very promising. Every day I am developing more details to make the whole thing fit together, and since I first thought up the concept several months ago, most of it has changed, but for the better. My epic last scene in the book has had every detail polished and sanded down to the last molecule, leaving me pretty certain that there is easily room for a sequel, and even a prequel, but I will focus on what is going on right now.

If you are interested in reading 'Mendacii Key' (currently 14, 000 words), here is a short blurb to get you into it and please contact me by leaving me a message if you wish to read what I have written so far. Thank you for reading this journal full of my mad and demented rantings, but there is no other way to say how much I love my story, and I can tell you this; you will not be disappointed!


“Aliona grimaced. They had been here. A trail of blood led from the front door, around the corner, to the left. Iris Jones was dead. Iris didn’t even have Mendacii. Neither did Aliona. That didn’t make any difference, Teneta still wanted her dead. Teneta would kill her in the end.”

When Teneta find Samuel Watford’s lost will, they discover that he never destroyed the Mendacii key, the key to bring them down. He has hidden it, passed it on to the one person who can finish his work.
Teneta have a plan, a plan to bring down the Mendacii key and Watford’s daughter, Aliona. Now Aliona must race against time and fate, to discover the power of Mendacii and fight against the biggest force on the planet. She is given a choice to run, fight, or die. Surrounded by betrayal and lies, there is no room for her to make the wrong decision…
December 27th, 2011 at 01:41pm