01- Just to say hello

Hello to you, you wonderful person sat at your computer/laptop reading this.
This is my first journal and i'm not really sure what i should write. If it's just a place to vent what you're feeling in a worded form then great because i do that anyway and journals will be my new best friend. My point for today is about a simple word 'Hello'. In a world like ours were we are constantly reminded that danger is around every corner and people are dangerous we seem to have lost the heart of this word. The start of a coversation, an introduction, a friendship. I'm young so i can't say that back in the day everyone was nice to everyone but isn't that how we want the future? So maybe, one day, just try saying hello to people and be pleasent and polite. We are the future so lets start on a good note.
I'm Tom and this was a phycho's daydream.

P.s: Did you know when Alexander Bell invented the telephone he wanted the answering phrase to be 'Ahoy hoy' not 'Hello'
December 27th, 2011 at 06:49pm