Kurt Cobain and Cheese Sandwiches

Well last night, I had a very intresting dream...
The subject, Kurt Cobain and his sandwich.

I seemed to have found myself in a relitors office, and they has Kurt Cobains house on the market. My mother worked for the realitors and so, since she knew my loving nature for Kurt Cobain, stole the keys to the house. Now I took a friend with me, and my mother ofcourse. The house was gorgeous. Everything was light, open and oak finished. It was beautiful, I really wish that house looks how it looked in my dream because it was wow!

Now we wondered around for awhile and found myself in the kitchen with my mother. She was looking through the fridge and freezer while I sat and had a nice cool drink of water. From the fridge she produced a plate which had a half eaten Cheese Sandwich on it, with bite marks on it. We both looked at it in awe. My mother said to me "Do you knwo what this is?" I shook my head yes. It was the very sandwich that Kurt Cobain ate before he died/killed himself. It was a simple sandiwch containing nothing but yellow processed american cheese between two slices of white bread.

I poked the sandwich out of pure curiosity and couldnt believe I was in his house, touching his sandwich (Oh how wrong that sounds xD)

Now in reality, I have an art homework, where I must draw two things that mean a lot to me and write a paragraph about why, this was intricated into my dream, as I drew the very cheese sandwich for my art homework.

This is where the dream stopped and I woke up. I couldnt believe I just dreamed about a cheese sandwich.

December 27th, 2011 at 06:59pm