Arranged Marriage | Vampires | A7X Fanfics

There are several staples for stories on this site, and the three listed are the ones I am most aggravated with as far as recurrence goes. It's like Quizilla all over again.

I mean, seriously, what is with people and their fetishes for arranged marriage? I can't stand the idea, really, and to see it so often is absolutely ridiculous. Come up with something new! I know I'm not really in the place to critique, but it's my opinion, and based on my observations, several people on this damned writing site just can't find anything new to write about.

Then there's vampires. Even the big time authors going on now are feeding off of this fad and producing for the public. The whole 'teenage vampire' plot line is being so used right now it's insane. I've read a couple, I guess, that were okay. But just the entire idea is so bogus now. Makes me sad.

Then there's A7X fanfics. Just browse through the fanfic page for stories and you're sure to find at least three hundred on the first page, even though it only counts to twenty. That's how bad it is.

And then there's the combination of all three things. An arranged marriage to M. Shadows who just so happens to be a vampire. F*cking bullocks.

Noticed it? Hope so. Done venting now. Hope you're having a nice day.
December 27th, 2011 at 11:36pm