Dress help, please? :)

So, on January 8th, my boyfriend and I celebrate three years <3 And I want to wear something nice, and surprise him. I mean, I dress up from time to time on special occasions, but this time I want to buy something new especially for the night out :) Most days I walk around in pajamas, and if we go out I pull on some jeans and a hoodie. I tend to keep myself pretty covered up, aha. But for our anniversary, I've decided I want to try dun dun dun being sexy :D So, I got a Kohls gift card for Christmas and am thinking about buying one of two dresses:


I think the first one is very pretty, and much more "me." But the second one looks more "sexy" and "different" which is what I'm going for. Still, I can't decide :/

So, I'm asking you Mibba; opinions please? :)
December 28th, 2011 at 01:00am