Heyy thurr + I need layout help.

So I can't make layouts.

I'm too inept/

Halp meee.


I'm not exactly new to mibba, but I rarely use it. But I want to start to more. I have this story Idea. So I'm gonna write a story. And post it. And I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. I'm sorry I get carried away don'tjudgeme.

I'm Ember, btw. /awkward wave.

I love you. I know we've just met, but I felt it needed to be said. Because, what if one of us died tomorrow? The other would live the rest of their life wondering how the other person felt. It would be catastrophic. So I'm telling you now, that I love you. Wholeheartedly. You're like. The one.


(What the sh*t was that about?)
December 28th, 2011 at 07:05am