I had a dream!

Last night I had the most amazing dream I have had in awhile... It involved one of my best friends... she is gorgeous by the way! She has always been there for me... Well it was the most emotionally happy dream ever, felt like we were whole again, we were able to talk and hug each other... you know like bff's can do. (no there were no "bad, adult stuff") The whole dream felt like there was something upsetting her... and I was the one there to help, to make sure all was well... There were some instances that she was crying on my shoulder... (emotional part) But there was one part... where she was crying on my shoulder, then quickly grabbed my hand and enter locked her fingers in mine... she was still crying but smiling at me...(happy/emotional part) Still having no clue of what and why this was happening...

I know I have not been there for her for the last year... and I have been trying my hardest to make sure I mend our friendship since I got my head back in the game... I would love to know why this dream came to me... or at least an answer. But more I think of this dream... more I think this is never going to happen... the love/friendship we had for each other many years ago... (8-9 yrs) we used to be able to talk and laugh at anything, never run out of things to say to each other. We always had each others back... If I had a time machine, I would go back in time to try to undo what went wrong and make all right again...

If you have read this... why do you think this dream happened...?

Thanks for listenin' to a rant of mine...
December 28th, 2011 at 07:12am