I'll just go cry now;

I miss home so god damn much.
I miss the friends.
I miss that familiarity with everyone and everything where ever you went.
I miss laughing at stupid things and waisting time on the river and in the woods.
I miss knowing people and knowing people knew me.
I miss the secrets that were impossible to keep and the constant conversation.
I miss not caring what people thought of me.
I miss always having some one to go to, always having some one to talk to, always having someone waiting for me, always having some one to chat with, always being inside it all.
I miss people listening to me and laughing at my jokes and just understanding how I work.
I miss absolutely everything.
I miss the good things, the bad things, the indifferent things.
I just want to go and feel safe again.
Feel wanted and needed and happy.
December 28th, 2011 at 11:24am