It's Been A While, Guys...

Well everybody, it's been two years. Two long years of uncertainty, hard work, passion, bitter sweet moments filled with excitement and loads of laughter. I'm surprised I stayed dedicated this long. I have a habit of not sticking to one thing very long you see.

I've also seen some things in my two years, and I think I've grown stronger because of it. There have been some people along the way that have inspired me, and although I know I've never be as good as them, I still try. And what may I be talking about?

It's my two year Mibba-versary b*tches!

Be very excited.

Aha, yes, it's been two years. I know, I know, some of you are thinking: Well, who the hell are you?

I know I'm not very popular, I just kind of lurk around, but's that's okay. I also change my username and avatar a lot. Yeah, now I feel like I'm rambling and the point of this journal is lost.
I've also ran out of things to talk about, so...

December 28th, 2011 at 09:11pm