Propaganda for Graves

Quite literally what my title says. Chapter seven of Photographs of Graves, aptly named The Hangover, is up, and Murphy's life is returning to some level of normalcy -- outwardly, anyway. Below I have an excerpt from the new chapter as a bit of encouragement and a nifty little link doo-dad to get your attention. Enjoy!

Photographs of Graves

"Did I feel guilty for what I did to Graves? Fuck yes. But I moved on, although it was that new “what if” factor that haunted me late at night. Luckily with midterms closing in time to think about those nagging “what ifs” came to an end: And, in the final weeks before midterms, Zoe took it upon herself to drag me with her to a frat party. Once I had enough alcohol in my system to pretend it was fun I even ended up talking to a guy. Who knew?

I kissed him before the night was out. I wish I could remember his name."

Hope to see you soon! All my love to all my readers.

Your favorite story whore,

December 28th, 2011 at 10:14pm