A Letter

Dear Opa,
Wow! Seven years has gone so fast. I miss you! Things just aren't the same without you. How is heaven? My daddy says that everytime I look to the sky, I can see your star that God gave you.

How's Caesar? i miss him lots! We got a new puppy. We named her Pebbles, and she's a load of energy; but we wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

My mom and dad are doing good. They celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary. Oh, Aaron's real into sports. He has practice everyday, and he's really good. He plays football, lacrosse, and he wrestles.

Grandma and Grandpa are doing well. They've been hasseling my family a lot, and just between you and I, I've had enough. I love them and all, I just wish they would leave me alone.
December 28th, 2011 at 10:17pm