I Believe I have found the answer to life...

So... I have been in denial for a pretty long time because I didn't understand why life sucked so much for some people and why other people just had their life handed to them on a silver platter. I finally get it. So it says somewhere in the bible that all people were created equally in the eyes of God and I have my own little theory of what it means and how it applies. I realize now that all men and women truly are equal in every way possible.

(I know it maybe a bit conceded of me to say this, But I think you will understand after you read the whole thing.)

You see, I find myself to have a great personality, to be very loving and compassionate, and I feel that I have a gift of understanding the world we live in a magnificent sense that most people on this earth cannot comprehend; a deeper connection with the world then most have. Yet my quality of life is horrible. I am obese, ugly, and have a severe case of psoriasis that covers a large portion of my body. I am virtually one of the ugliest human beings alive (In my opinion).

Enough about me, but seriously, this is a perfect example of what I am talking about; when a person is given a gift, they are given a flaw to equalize them. So in my case, I have a great personality and understanding of the world, but have a horribly gross looking body, It all equals out.

Just a theory I had.
(Not really a theory- More of a thought, theory just sounds smarter ;)

Do you agree? Disagree? Any suggestions in why you think I am right or wrong?
December 29th, 2011 at 05:21am