03- My Condolences

Hello to the wonderful person reading this,
I have been on Mibba a very short amount of time but something has been poking at me and i couldn't identify it until today. The thing is that as soon as i came on here everyone was so...well nice. It's a strange thing to find lately and i seem to be quite awestruck (Not really sure if that is the exact use of the word so feel free to pull me up on it) by it all. I really admire those on here that put in the time and effort to be nice, friendly and help others. I'm not nieve. I understand that the chance that every single user on this site is nice is quite slim although i hope that is the case. The thing that got to me the most was that looking through poems, stories, journals a trend has become apparent. Many people on here have been through hard times in their lives either lately or in the past. Wether this site is their escape, a place they feel accepted or a place they may say what they feel without being judged i don't know but i find this collection of people supporting each other absolutely brilliant. The reason i have wrote this is to offer my condolences and symapthies to any one who is having a hard time or has had a hard time. This doesn't just mean a loss. To anyone who has or is being bullied, neglected or is just feeling down i wish for you all to be okay and find some happiness. Never give up! That is the most important point. Never think less of yourself, don't let people put you down and believe in yourself. The scars of the past may never truly heal but the more we dwell on them the more we pour salt in these wounds. Everyone has brilliance inside of them, remember that. There are people in the world who will put you down but those people are not worth the pain. I have probably taken a long road to a short conclusion and repeated myself but still the point is there. So be brilliant! Be amazing! And be happy! : )
(Sticking with tradition)
I'm Tom and this was a phycho's daydream.
December 29th, 2011 at 04:37pm