More Propaganda and Whoring.

Hey, all of you readers out there!

New sections of Photographs for Graves and When Worlds Collide are up. Below I have some excerpts and fancy link doo-dads to whichever one (or both) you'd like to read.

I love all of my readers and especially my subscribers, you guys make every day a good one for me!

When Worlds Collide

“Saphira, he is the Master.”
“He's no master of mine.”
Abel just stared at her, transfixed by those violet embers. He felt a sudden pang of anger. She was going to get herself killed. She was the first good thing to enter Halah that he'd ever come across, and she was going to commit suicide. He couldn't stand back and let her do something so... naïve, so... insane.
But could he have expected her to do anything differently? Doesn't good naturally stand up to evil?
But she would die. He stared at those violet eyes, copper locks tumbling down her shoulders in the darkness, pale skin a stark contrast to the shadows that enveloped most of her. To him, she really did look like an angel of Iah, something to be treasured and preserved in this dark, evil world. And he would lose her.
“Saphira, that's stupid--” he reached out, grabbing her waist under the sheets to emphasize his point, to shake her, to make her understand--

Photographs of Graves

“Now, I'm telling you: Look sharp, bring me home an attractive male that preferably is Spanish and will serenade me with sweet music, and don't feed the fucking pigeons.” Zoe was going through my luggage for the third time to make sure I had all the essentials. She'd picked out an outfit both for today and orientation and insisted I not stray from her advice. She slipped in an extra box of [Fire and Ice condoms as well as some extra tampons in a side pocket of my suitcase for good measures. Both sides of the spectrum. This girl had me covered.

Love you all!


December 29th, 2011 at 09:46pm