Old Friends

Friends are supposed to be there for you, talk to you, listen to what you have to say, etc, etc, etc. And it shouldn't change in time. But it does.

You know those friends you haven't seen in so long, and you go to talk to them, and they've changed? You can't seem to grasp who they are anymore, and they don't seem to care?

You know those people you really wish would leave you alone, but when they leave for real, you wish they were still around? And then they come back, and you're SO happy to see them, but then they just annoy the heck out of you?

And there's those other friends who just won't pay much attention to you at all. They were like that in the beginning, but after seeing so many other people change after a long time, you expected them to change. Somehow, though, these old friends didn't get the memo that they needed to be any different. Because they're interested in other things.

I tell you I want you to just be happy, that you can just do whatever you have to or want to. But honestly what do I want?

I want you to TALK TO ME.
December 29th, 2011 at 11:46pm