The Road to Inspiration.

The Road to Inspiration.

Sounds like a wonderful thing, doesn't it?

Yeah, well, it probably is, but I don't know how to get to that damn road, and I haven't even got a map to lead me to it.

I hate this. I haven't got any type of inspiration in me to write, none at all. I realize that I have whole worlds at my fingertips when I'm writing, but I can't get past that blank page. I don't know where to start or what to write or how I can create a plot, or anything.

My new years resolution is to do things differently, and try to live a little more. I'm tired of my life and the way that it's been going, so I'm going to change it. I miss writing, but I just feel so deflated. I haven't completed or written an actual story in years. The last time I did was when I was in. . fourth grade? Fifth? I'm in high-school now. I don't want to lose my ability to write.

How do all you writers out there get ideas and inspiration? It seems that most of you create your own versions of books you like, but I don't really. . I'm not into the whole "fandom" thing. It's probably easier than actually creating your own story, but I don't even know which book I would transform and mutate to my liking, because to me it's not familiar. I don't have any celebrities that I'm particularly fond of, because I don't take an interest in famous people, etc, so I won't write a story about that. I just don't know what to do. Have I closed myself up this much that I can't even write any more?

Just so that I don't drone on and on, I'll get to the point:

Does anyone have any advice? How do you get ideas? What spurs you to write? Where does your inspiration stem from? Please, leave detailed comments if you like. I seriously need some help here. Thanks to anyone who actually reads all this and responds :)

{If anyone does, which I highly doubt. . }
December 30th, 2011 at 05:54am