Rest In Peace

I was told high-school would be tough, but, I never knew that saying that would be such an understatement, high-school's been a shitty experience, stereo-types don't make sense to me, I simply see people doing what they like with their hair or clothes, and it makes me sick when people put them down for liking what they like, props to all of them who stand against the judgmental pricks, and teenagers out of all group ages experience the most emotional stress, because it's part of growing up, some choose not to deal with it, when they should choose to fight through it... it's such a sad world, and it sucks to deal with reaility so early in life, we're far too young to have to deal with this, but there are always ups and downs, death is indifferent, it doesn't care how old you are, it doesn't care how you look or who you are, and sometimes, it takes us by surprise....
Sitting here, just blaring Hollywood Undeads' best sad tunes, Dominik, we love you so much, and dude, I miss you SO much, you were one of the only true friends I had, it's hard to find someone who really cares like you, I don't regret meeting you one bit, and your poetry will NOT go unpublished, you had potential, man, you were such a great kid... you were still just a the rest of us... but you were meant to be back with the angels, now, skating with Matthew Cody at the Skatepark in the sky...that'll be so fun with your new pair of wings...tell him hi for us all... Love you so much, bro.
Rest in Peace!
December 30th, 2011 at 07:46am