I love you all.

Hello Mibbians! I just wanted to say thank you all, because Photographs of Graves is two people away from 100 readers! The support of you all has been phenomenal and I'm so thankful for it.

On that note, a new section of PoG is up: Chapter twelve, Orientation, brings back everybody's favorite man.... And a few new characters you'll all want to meet. Below is a fancy link doo-dad and an excerpt as usual, check it out!

Photographs of Graves

It was... Cozy. Lots of papers, lots of wooden tables, although the lobby area was cleared out with a few maroon sofas and a table with a pitcher of water and donuts. Against the wall was a coffee maker and a stack of Styrofoam cups in a plastic bag. A radio was playing something calm and very much in Dutch.

Most of the lobby was occupied by the other interns. Something I immediately picked up on is that none of them looked like your average joe: Many were heavily pierced, tattooed, or dyed, while others were dressed as if they were coming to a meeting of state. I fit somewhere in the middle of this range, although closer to the pierced crowd: I was not as nice as the state representatives, or at least not as wealthy. Both groups looked rather out of place in the cozy room. Many were asking if they could go outside and smoke.

To meet these new characters - along with the returning one - read up! And hey, if you haven't met them yet, start with chapter one and join in on the fun!

Again, I love all of you readers of mine. It means a lot.

Yours truly,

December 30th, 2011 at 07:58am