
So, I am on Mibba to write and have fun. And for the first few months it has been fun and amazing, I was able to do everything I wanted to. That was until last night. I was writing the third chapter to my new story and after I posted it and checked my mibba one more time before I headed off to bed I noticed that I had a message in my inbox. I figured that I would read it and then reply and after I would head off to bed. Well I read the message and it wasn't a normal message that people send me telling me how much they like my stories or what they don't like about them. Nope. This message was a threat by a person, I am not naming names here. That said if I didn't take off my stories and delete basically everything that I had written they would report me to Mibba for "Harassment." This as you can imagine seriously pissed me off because I had never even had contact with the person that sent me the message so I had no idea how I could be "Harassing" them. Again I am not naming names but, I know there are some people out on the internet that are jealous creeps and like to make peoples lives heck-tick. I just think that people should be able to come to a writing site like this and not be threatened or harassed and be able to enjoy the time they spend on this site.
December 31st, 2011 at 05:27pm