Best Birthday Ever

Yeah, you read that right. It's my birthday today and i'm finally nineteen. Spent all day with my two lovely ladies and my family. We got ice cream today and then just stayed home. I let Anna stay in her pj's all day and she looked so cute. Her and Eden gave me a make over today and then my friends came over. It's seriously a good thing I love them and have better self control. My older sister complained about how I never let her give me make overs so I let her call me 'Princess Taylor' as long as she made me dinner. And she did!

Eden came home with a surprise present for me and I'm super excited to find out what it is. She said I have to wait until eleven fifty five before I open it. Annabel also got me something and won't give it too me. She's so much like her mama. It's like looking at an exact replica except she has my hair and eyes. She's such a cutie. Right now she's running around the house playing hide-an-seek with her aunts and uncles and cousins.

I'm gonna have a hell of a time trying to get her to sleep tonight. I'll post my surprises after I open them. Later everyone.


"Happy Mew Lear" from Annabel.
January 1st, 2012 at 07:00am