So I Just Got A Boyfriend... <3

.... Kinda. We aren't officially together, but according to half the school (how the hell do so many people know when we haven't even BEEN in school!? xD) we've been a couple since the night we met.

We met at my friend's Christmas party on December 23rd, and have been texting, calling, hanging out, and gone on a date since then. My parents met him and I met his mom (his parents are divorced) and as I see it my parents really like him and his mom likes me. And I like him and he likes me <3 (I only know cause two of his friends both texted and facebooked me to tell him I like him because he "really likes you and we know you're a sweetheart so we want you two together".

The reason why that said the last bit is because all his passed girl friends cheated on him. And the last girl he liked a few months ago chose his best friend over him, who had been flirting with her a lot too. Not to mention in freshman year he dated a girl who got him to take... pills and bad things and he got addicted. He's been clean for a few months now and goes through withdrawl once in a blue moon, if he gets really emotional or angry (ie: when the girl he liked and his now ex best friend started dating).

He's really imperfect, but he's one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. I obviously can't ignore what he did in the past, but I would never judge him for it. Hell, I went to therapy for a few years because I was 'depressed' (though I wasn't cutting or anything - I'm totally clean). From what I can tell, he is a true sweetheart and if he can be patient with my parents and their wishes (they're very protective of me), and love me for me, I'm going to fall head over heels for this boy <3

I just hope that come summer '12, he doesn't move to Utah </3 But I wouldn't try to stop him, because it's his dream to be a snowboarder and I want him to follow his dreams!

But that's a long time away, who knows what'll happen from now to then <3

Here's a few texts I locked that he sent me<3 :

"Well I will do my best to make sure that I can keep you happy."

"You know I'm really happy I went to Alyssa's party, otherwise I wouldn't have met you :)"

"I'll never make you cry, I promise."

"Of course 'm nice to you, you deserve the best."

"I've been the happiest 've been in a long time since I started talking to you."

<3 I really like this boy, he makes my heart melt <3
January 2nd, 2012 at 04:29am