My best friend popped the big question to his girlfriend last night...

The journal title says it all. On New Year's Eve during the final countdown he took her out on her porch (away from her family) and proposed to her. He told me about this today while we were having our Sibling Day (we're so close that we're like brother and sister so we took a day to just hang out alone which is something we haven't done in awhile).

I knew what was coming before he even finished the sentence and he was expecting me to hit him haha. I was...shocked, to say the least. My first reaction was, "You're 17 and you two have broken up various times..." He proceeded to tell me that he knows this but his uncle and aunt dated at 14 and have been married for about 50 years or so. I'm an advocate of young love prevailing despite all the obstacles but I have misgivings about this. I could be biased because I'm not particularly fond of this girl; we don't mesh well at all. She's jealous, clingy, and she has that "I'm superior" attitude. I deal with it though, because she makes him happy and he deserves to be happy. I don't want him to get hurt and to be honest, I'm not sure I could handle her constantly being around. I will admit that I am bothered by this and I myself, am a bit jealous. Since they've been dating (for roughly 8 months because they're broken up at least 7 times) she has been extremely clingy and obsessive. She gets annoyed when he and I hang out and if I'm walking next to him, she will try and get between me and him. He and I used to hang out all the time and were super close but she's changed things. He and I are still best friends but I feel like I'm losing him to her.

I do wish him the best with this, but I'm not sure it's a great idea. He told me today he has feelings for a few other girls and almost had a threesome with two of them during he and his girlfriend's most recent break (two days ago) but didn't. I feel bad for thinking like this because engagements and love are beautiful things and he is my best friend after all...
January 2nd, 2012 at 08:17am