
So, I have not been to this site in a long time, and it feels good to now again be able to write my thoughts down.

There is this guy, and no this isn't some cheezy love story, little girl crush kind of thing. He dances at the same place I do, and I hang out with him and talk to him on Facebook a lot. Well what do I say? He's absolutely amazing, and I regret not starting to talk to him earlier. I talk to him a few times a day, it's kind of like a routine now, and I find it relaxing and interesting talking to him. I act like myself, and he acts like himself though he is a little shy, but we usually we get over that in the first few minutes. So, there is this other girl that dances on my team and she is his best friend, and I talk to this guy about everything so I asked him
"Do you like that girl, like, like like her?", and he said
"no, we're just really good friends." The only reason i asked him was because rumors were going around that the two were going out. He said no and i believed him, but no the story doesn't end there. The girl seems to like him a lot, and it seems as though she likes him more then just a friend, and she kind of makes it obvious too.
I don't like the girl very much and i tell the guy that when we talk and such, and he doesn't seem to mind much when i talk about her like that.

A few days ago I was talking to him on Facebook, and we got into the conversations about who he liked. And I told him to tell me who he liked and he refused to tell me. I guessed and he gave me limited clues, and he said he thinks the girl like him back too. Funny thing is were always sending each other hearts and acting like were going out but were not. And when he says that she makes me really happy, i feel happy for him inside too. So, that day I guessed, and I told him to tell me which school she goes to, and he refused to tell me. I asked why and he said it would give it away. I'm the only one that goes to a different school then everybody else, no other girl goes to my school that he would like, or that he even knows i bet. He won't tell me who she is, and I don't really want it to be anyone else. And when i keep asking he says no body its a girl i think about all the time. That annoys me because i really want to know!! He says he thinks she likes her back, and i guess i do kind of like him and we show it all the time. (sending each other hearts, talking on Skype for hours at a time, etc.) I wonder who she is, and I really don't want it to be that other girl, I guess i kind of hope its me. Even though it seems highly unlikely, i just really wish it was me, because i guess i really like him too, more then just a friend.
What am I supposed to do? Wait, and ill find out eventually, do what i always did and if he likes me he'll tell me? Or do I tell him i like him?

P.S, I told him i know a 'friend' who likes him a lot (me obviously) and that she secretly wishes you like her too, and i explain myself as being my friend and describe how much i like him. He says if shes not the girl i like, she'll just have to wait.
January 2nd, 2012 at 12:17pm