Alesha Rosier- Kane


okay ya fuckin bitch lets get things straight. i can do anything i fuckin damn well please. your in texas im in indiana although i really wish i was in texas and you were here it cant happen. so here is to you how bout you take your drama wanna be smart bitch ass somewhere where no one knows what your up to. stop thinkin every little thing is bout you. maybe if you took the time in your such hard misserable life and take care of YOUR SON!! its retty pathetic you left a month ago and you left him here with YOUR mother. im not a fan of your mom but her and i can still sit in the same room. i love michael allen with all my heart and if you try and keep him from me you got another thing coming. its all YOUR fault he isnt where he should be with learning and talking and everything else. how bout you try giving him a bath once in a while and have your heart broken becasue hes screaming bloody murder because hes afraid! oh wait i forgot you dont even shower yourself so why would you give your son a bath. when all you do is feed him fast food and nothing healthy its heart breaking when hes hungry and yet all he wants is frys and chicken nuggets. im sorry but that is not how you raise a child. hes still in diapers and hes 3 fucking years old. when i first met him he was like my rock and now your gonna take him away and say im not allowed near him sorry hunny it dont work like that. its a very easy task to call CPS and have him taken away from you forever! but will that stip you no because you dont even care about him unlike everyone esle does. you took my own fuckin brother away from me cause of your drama and made up lies and now your gonna take my nephew away i dont think so hunny. he may not be my blood nephew but he is and always will be my nephew and when he get older and hates your fuckin guts im gonna laugh in your face and say i told you fuckin so.! how couls you treat a child a person so shitty and he doesnt even deserve or understand why? if you loved him like you say you do than why is it you took him to DRUG FILLED HOUSES and didnt give him his antibiotic when his mouth was so swollen he couldnt eat or drink anything. if you wanted to have such a party life maybe you shouldnt have laid down and help make such a beautiful little boy. im not even sure how you made such a beautiful child but thats the only thing goin for you aint it. how bout you just stay away from him and just think of yourself for now on and dont ever come back for him. better yet just fuckin kill yourself..hey ill do it for ya ill come visit my neices and my sister and ill drug you like youve never been druged and we'll take a little trip out to the is one of the worst droubts texas has have so your body will be gone within days from all the animals. so take all your drama on somewhere go get a job and stop ruining your childs life. fuck off bitch!!
January 2nd, 2012 at 09:07pm