Better... kinda

Still feeling pretty shitty but I made it all night without getting wasted. That's new. Called Annabel today and she said she missed me. Next week when I get to keep her while Eden is out of town is going to be great. I bought her favorite Disney movie. That one with the princess and the horse and the frying pan? Tangled I think. And i'm going to take her the zoo. Plus I'm going to talk to Eden's parents. I'm just hoping we can get past all the shit in my past and that they realize i'm different now. I'm serious. I'm not just some seventeen year old boy any more.

Enough of the sappy shit though. Someone asked me to write about the time when I found out about Eden being pregnant. I might but I'm not sure. Would anyone even read it. And I'm not that good of a writer. But whatever. If anyone thinks it's a good idea let me know. If not then whatever i guess.
January 3rd, 2012 at 04:11am