Should I?

Well I was tickering around on my youtube channel when I found finally my URL to my Mibba site. Also then I remembered my username and password. That is just one reason why I haven't been on here for the longest time.
Now since I have been back, I have deleted my old story (I have rewritten it) and all my journals. I have also changed my pictures and "About Me" section. I really need to be updated. I'm just wondering about it I do upload new journals and my story again, will people actually read it.
With my story, I haven't touched it in the longest time. I had a set up characters in it untl I just decided to change them, plus now I feel dry. Dry as in Writers Block. I have really only written one more chapter since it has been up on here....but I'm trying.
I just don't know. I feel like it might be nice to come back and have people read my stuff.
I promise I will try to journal a bit and upload new story(s). Don't know yet.
What do you guys think????
January 3rd, 2012 at 06:28am