Beauty Advice #1 - Facial Acne Part I

So guys, lets be honest here. It doesn't matter if you're willing to 'fess up, we've all had acne breakouts before. That is, if you've gone through puberty, which I'm sure most of you all have. So as you may have guessed, acne is the first beauty issue I want to help you guys out with on mibba!

One thing that a lot of people don't know is that different parts of your face get acne from different things.


The Main Causes
The most common place where people break out is the forehead, which is because this is where most common place for people to breakout because this is the most oily area on your face, generally because it is also closest to your hair, which contains natural oils, which can contribute in clogging pores! It can also be cause by stress!

To prevent acne on your forehead, keep your hair back when you sleep! You girls with long hair and/or bangs are going to be the biggest targets for acne on the forehead, when you keep your hair back when you sleep you will reduce breakouts. Also, replacing your pillow case with a clean one once every week will reduce breakouts because your pillow case has oils and dirt on it from sleeping on it! It may seem gross, but it's like that for everyone! Not only this, but here are some more things you can do to reduce acne breakouts on your forehead!

*Go to bed early (about 10pm) and wake up early (about 6am)

*Drink LOTS of water!!!

*20 - 30 minutes of workout's a great stress reliever!

*Meditation. It may sound silly, but it relieves stress!


The Main Causes
Acne on your temples is most often caused by a diet with lots of fats in it. Eating some of the foods that are tasty all the time come with a price to pay some of the time, and this is one of them!


The solution is simple! You need to cut some of the fats and oils out of your diet! You don't have to cut ALL of them out, everything is perfectly okay in moderation!

* Cut down on the fast food, processed food, and junk food! Thats where most of your fats and oils are coming from!

* Eating cooling foods like cucumbers, melons, and gourds! They do WONDERS for acne in this area.

Between The Eyebrows

The Main Causes
The main cause of acne here is that your body is under PHYSICAL stress, and this could be from MANY reasons. Take a good look at yourself and find out why your body is stressed out.

You have to avoid stressing your body out! Here are a few tips.

* Don't exercise for too long! Working out is great for you, but when you do it too much it causes breakouts and it's no longer doing good for your body, it's actually hurting you! Cut down your work out to 20 - 30 minutes everyday.

* STOP SMOKING if you smoke, this is where it's coming from, I promise you. Do whatever you need to to stop smoking, and I mean ANY drugs. They are TERRIBLE for your skin!

* AVOID ALCOHOL as you probably know, this is one of the worst things for your skin. Avoid it as much as you can, EVEN MORE SO if you're underage, not only for legal reasons, but when you're a teen, your skin is already under enough stress, let alone adding this ON TOP of it.

This was part ONE of my acne journals, there is a lot more to come, so if I haven't covered your trouble spot yet, it will be on its way, I have much more to come, but I didn't want this journal to be TOO long.

I really hope you enjoyed this, and I hope I was able to help you, if you have any questions, leave me a comment on my profile, or send me a message if its a bit personal. Also, feel free to give me topic suggestions for future journals! I'm always up for requests! So have a happy, and healthy day and I hope to catch you in my next journal!
January 3rd, 2012 at 08:58am