I love when people post things like this.


Basically, it's about NDRR and why President Obama signed it. I think everyone who's been worried about our rights getting taken away should read this, and even if it turns out not to be true, this person is my hero for writing this. OH and here's President Obama's statement on why he passed this: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/12/31/statement-president-hr-1540

So, if you have time or if you're just interested in finding out more about NDRR, you should read one or both of those things.

Also (This is totally unrelated) you guys should check out my journal from yesterday (It should be the first one listed over in the yonder in a general that way direction ----->) and tell me what you think of my story excerpt.
January 3rd, 2012 at 09:35pm