Beauty Advice #6 Skin Redness

So I have another request from a very lovely person on mibba who asked me very kindly to do a journal on skin redness, and I said 'sure I will!' because not only do I LOVE requests, but I think if I covered this I think I've just about covered most of the common skin issues. So I hope you enjoy my journal on skin redness!

What Causes Skin Redness?
There are a lot of different things that can cause this, and if you have this, it isn't your fault so don't blame yourself and think that it's because you aren't taking good care of your skin, because that is probably not true. Here are some factors that can cause skin redness.

*Sensitive skin

*UV damage

*Extreme cold or wind

*A reaction to a skin product

*A skin condition such as Eczema or Rosacea

You may want to talk to your doctor to find out if you have Eczema or Rosacea, and if you do your doctor will give you something to clear up the redness, but since I'm not a doctor, I'm not in a position where I would be able to tell you to get anything for it. But most likely, that is not the case, so here's a few tips on how to reduce skin redness.

*SPF Lotion! moisturizing is key to healthy skin, so lotions are important, and since most of the time skin redness is caused by UV damage, it is important you have your SPF. Make sure the SPF number is at least 15. Anything less than 15 is nearly useless for your skin.

*Sensitive Skin Products! another possibility is that you may haave sensitive skin. This means that your skin in sensitive to certain products, and the products that you're using may be too harsh for your skin. When you buy skin care products, make sure they are for sensitive skin before buying them, almost every skin care product is made in both a regular skin type kind and a sensitive skin type kind, so don't worry! You won't be limited on options!

*Change Your Skin Products you might be having a reaction to one of your skin products! One at a time change the brand of your skin products, and when you stop using a certain brand and the redness starts to fade, you'll know it was a reaction to a certain brand!

*Dress Appropriately! in the winter, the wind and cold is harsh on your skin and it can cause redness, so be sure you bundle up and wear a coat, hat, scarf, and gloves!

*Aloe Vera aloe is a cactus-like plant which has liquid inside it, which is soothing to the skin. Find lotions with aloe in them, which help to reduce redness and they also give your body that nice cool feeling like right after you finish washing your face!
January 4th, 2012 at 04:51am